
    IFFCO actively contributes to adopting changes for more sustainable food systems, driven by our vision of “Investing in the Future.

    Our ESG Strategy is the result of extensive consultation with our internal and external stakeholders, the success of which depends on the collaboration, ownership, and leadership of IFFCO management, employees, and our partners. Our focus includes the broader environmental and social issues identified by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, especially those relevant to the regions in which our facilities are located and where we operate.

    Mr. Rizwan Ahmed
    Executive Director


    100% of IFFCO’s palm-based processing facilities are RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) SCC (Supply Chain Certificate) Certified

    NDPE (No Deforestation, Peat, and Exploitation) commitment incorporated in IFFCO Group Policy on Sustainable Palm Oil Sourcing


    Sustainability Department created Global Head of Sustainability hired

    FIRST Energy audit conducted

    First photovolatic (solar renewable energy) plant commissioned at IFFCO olive oil production plant in Spain


    Materiality Assessment conducted to identify sustainability issues that matter most to our business and stakeholders.

    IFFCO employees walk 23,000 km in 25 days and raise funds for children in need.

    Two solar energy plants integrated, in IFFCO Pakistan Seeds Crushing Plant and IFFCO Italy

    IFFCO wins three HSBC Living Business Awards for our partnership with HSBC to build a more sustainable palm supply chain: The Country Winner for Best ESG Project in the UAE
    Best Governance Project
    Best Supplier Engagement category for the partnership with HSBC to build a more sustainable palm supply chain

    THRYVE™, Gulf Region’s first 100% plant-based meat venture and manufacturing facility launched in the UAE


    First ESG report is published Committed to submitting climate targets to the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)


    Enduring values, enhancing lives

    The preferred of sustainable value-added products and services for everyone, everywhere & every day.
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